Whatever the cause, acne is very much in existence across America

Whatever the cause, acne is very much in existence across America

In the United States almost 17 million people are affected by some form of facial acne, making it the most common skin disease afflicting mankind. However, despite the large numbers of people who are affected by acne and its sheer commonality, it is still a fairly embarrassing experience for anyone who has it.

Though it is not clear what the exact cause of acne actually is, it has become common knowledge that such breakouts occur during the onset of puberty and pregnancy when particular hormone levels in the body are known to increase in large doses. Genetics, heredity and certain cosmetics also play a role in the development of acne with some skin types. Whatever the cause, acne is very much in existence across America.

The good news is that acne can be cured. Today, there is an absolute bevy of acne treatments designed to permanently eradicate with the unwanted skin disease. There are many solutions ranging from prescription medication to more natural acne treatments. Rather than allowing it to thrive on your precious face, why not put an end to the misery it brings with it?

Whether you use the checmical based Accutane or a more natural acne treatment, you can do away with the unwanted blemishes relatively quickly. After all, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain by treating your acne - confidence and self esteem are both known to rise when acne is curbed. The truth is, you don't have to overhaul your lifestyle and eating habits, though that may help speed the process along. You simply need to find the right product for your skin, even if that means trying out more than one before becoming discouraged.

If you are among the 17 million Americans that has some form of acne, you don't have to remain a victim anymore. With so many affordable treatments available on the market, teh path to clear skin is yours once again.

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